Monday, January 7, 2013

Bear Claw Check Up

     Time for my check up. Hopefully this thing comes off this week. Then it will be surgery time again and more healing. FUCK THIS. Which those two words seem to be the anthem of my life lately.I will wave this flag high.

OMG. My foot looks like it is straight out of a horror movie. Wrap it back up stat!
Doctor says another week. Another long and boring week. 

Saturday, January 5, 2013

I Made it.......

Up the stairs!!! Never take for granted stairs. I feel for handicapped people and stairs. This is what I should look like going up stairs.....

Look at her. Happy, smiling loving the fact that with the push of a button she is up to the second floor no fuss. That could be me. Loving the fact that I could get up stairs with ease. What I actually look like......

I made it and that's all that matters. No smiling face, no ease, no buttons. That my friends is the absolute look of defeat.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Homeward Bound....Then what?

                I am going home!!! Crap, now what? I can't drive, I can't work, I can't even wipe my butt without getting an arm cramp from the funny angle I have to start from. 

              Today is the unveiling of "The trap" and I think I might pass out. I am scared and highly intrigued. Here it goes....

Me and the bear trap are going to have a lot of time to get to know each other. The top two screws go into the Fibula and the bottom two go into the heel.Yuck. I am about to vomit up the unrecognizable chicken and dumplings dietary sent me. But one more visit from Dr. McUnhappy and I am home free!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

A stripper named Cinnamon.

I'm still here. Pain is getting better, wish I could say the same for the hospital food. We have yet to unveil the "trap" and I am not quit sure if I am ready or not. A few friends dropped by . They are the people who seem to get me through the tough parts. Calls, visits and cards. I have great friends and employees. 

Today I was dubbed Cinnamon the one legged stripper. (No I am not really a stripper) Hopefully I get out of here soon. I'm about to go bat shit crazy on someone. 

I have a great doctor who has yet to crack a smile. He needs to get laid...stat.