Monday, December 31, 2012

I am awake. Are you happy?

 I am awake. I'm glad that is all that's being asked of me today. I hurt bad. I have surgery today. Not sure what to expect but they say I have the best doctor doing it. If this doctor looks anything like his students I will be very pleased. The hospital food blows, and I have yet to have a Pepsi. I NEED PEPSI. Rambling........yeah I know.  

              Word to the wise. Do not read about waking up during surgery right before you go into surgery. It's a total mind fuck that you will never shake.Great, mid slice I'm going to wake up and ask for a Pepsi. I can see it now.

              I went into surgery around 4 pm. Once again all I remember is pain killers and.....pain killers. Hours later I wake up and  WTF is on my leg.Its not the super cute cast you see people wear every day. It looks like I went off into the woods and bam, bear trap on my leg. PTSD flash backs of Nam again. 

Is that a kickstand?

I am reminded it is new years eve and I am sitting in a hospital bed drugged up sipping apple juice while my friends are sipping on beer counting down the the last few moments of 2012. Thankfully a dear friend brought something for the hubby to sip on and I have my clear fluids. Clear fluids scream wild party........right??? DAMNIT. 
Bubbily anyone?
as the once famous and alive Dick Clark said..
I'm Out.


Sunday, December 30, 2012

This is what hell feels like?

             This is the beginning of the end. I fell today. Not just fell . I busted my ass at work. I walked in this morning, walked thru the restaurant and grabbed my mail keys. Yep that was the last thing on my mind before I would be shunned to my house for what seems like forever. Mail. Irreverent pieces of paper that have nothing to do with me. 
     I walked out those two doors and walked into what seems like the fires of hell. 30 feet to my demise. I knew it as soon as I did it. It was like watching a slow moving train wreck in front of me. But that train WAS me. Ankle first....Snap. The Sound that echos in my head to this day. Then a thud of me hitting the ground.
      I look around....No one. Apparently breakfast is the last thing anyone wants this cold ass Sunday morning. I lay there pondering how to get back those dreaded 30 feet back to the door. I crawled like a Nam vet in the jungles in Iwo Jima running from their captors.  Worlds longest crawl.
                     This is a picture My husband took in the ER
  I was greeted by the smiling face of our hostess who nicely asked if I was alright.I could only laugh at the thought of crawling in sub zero temps for the hell of it. She called for a server and summons 911 to fetch me off the ground. I called my husband and boss to apologize for somehow ruining the business and being that silly wife who fell.
      I don't remember much after that. Lots of pain killers, nurses,doctors and pain killers. Talks of surgerys, pins, plates and smashing my ankle and leg. People keep asking me about what happened , no one seems to believe that I only fell. I'm going to bed. Surgery tomorrow and boy am I ready. Hence the notes of sarcasm.